Endstar LUA API Documentation
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Endless.Gameplay.Scripting Namespace Reference


class  Color
 A utility class for getting colors. Colors are made up of four components, RGBA, which each range from 0-1. Try using this with Visuals.SetEmissiveColor! More...
class  Context
 Every object in the world that has a script has a context. This includes players, NPCs, props, etc. A context is the generic reference to an object. Static props, and terrain, do not have a script or a context. Every event passes along a context and every receiver takes a context. This allows you to know who causes the chain of events. If a player pulls a lever, they are the context. If that lever is wired to a door, who opened the door? The player! This chain of events allows the door script to perform additional logic, like giving that player a coin for opening it, when otherwise, it wouldn't know what caused it to open. More...
class  Game
 Allows you to access information about the current session including players, level, and game info. More...
class  LuaInterfaceEvent
 An event within lua that will broadcast a change. Can be subscribed to in Lua code. Use "SubscribeToLuaEvent" and "UnsubscribeToLuaEvent" to manage subscription Example: local health = context.TryGetComponent(Component.Health) SubscribeToLuaEvent(health.OnHealthChanged, "MyFunctionName") More...
class  NpcConfiguration
 Used to configure a spawnable npc. More...
class  NpcManager
 This class is used to SpawnNpcs and access members of npc groups. More...
class  Vector3
 A utility class for generating Vector3s! A Vector3 is three floats together. Often used for position or rotation. Try using this with Visuals.SetLocalRotation! More...