enum | CombatMode { Passive
, Defensive
, Aggressive
, UseDefault
} |
| Used by the NPC and NPC nodes to modify their basic combat behavior. Passive will never engage in combat, Defensive will only engage in combat if attacked first, Aggressive will initiate combat as soon as they see an enemy, Use default should only be used by NPC nodes and causes the NPC to default to the NPC's set behavior. More...
enum | CurrentTargetHandling { Preserve
, Prefer
, Disregard
} |
| Used by Targeter Component as a setting to determine how much it should prioritize maintaining the current target as opposed to selecting a new target. More...
enum | DamageMode { TakeDamage
, IgnoreDamage
, UseDefault
} |
| Used by the NPC and NPC nodes to set the damage taking behavior for the NPC. TakeDamage will receive damage as normal, IgnoreDamage ignores all damage, UseDefault should only be used by NPC nodes and causes the NPC to default to the NPC's set behavior. More...
enum | DamageType { Normal
} |
| What type of damage/healing is this? This will be expanded in the future. More...
enum | HealthChangeResult {
, DamagedHealth
, HealthZeroed
, Healed
} |
| When something attempts to do damage/healing to an object, what were the results? Did you kill the thing? More...
enum | HealthZeroedBehavior { Destroy
, Custom
} |
| When this object runs out of health, what should it do? Destroy is a simple "poof we're gone" handling for now. We will add more functionality in the future! More...
enum | InteractionAnimation { Default
, Hold
, Revive
, None
} |
| What type of animation should play when the user attempts to interact with this? More...
enum | PhysicsMode { TakePhysics
, IgnorePhysics
, UseDefault
} |
| Is used by the NPC and NPC nodes to modify the physics behavior of the NPC. TakePhysics causes the NPC to be affected by physics forces, IgnorePhysics causes the npc to ignore physics forces, UseDefault should only be used by NPC nodes and causes the NPC to default to the NPC's set behavior. More...
enum | PickupFilter { Players
, Characters
, Anything
} |
| What can trigger this, only players, any character (NPCs included) or anything that moves? More...
enum | PropCombatMode { Passive
, Defensive
, Aggressive
} |
enum | PropDamageMode { TakeDamage
, IgnoreDamage
} |
enum | PropPhysicsMode { TakePhysics
, IgnorePhysics
} |
enum | SenseShape { Box
, Frustum
} |
| Used by Sensor Component as a setting determining the sensor area's shape. More...
enum | SentryDamageLevel { None
, Light
, Critical
, Destroyed
} |
| Sentry damage level. Each is associated with a particle effect on the prop. More...
enum | TargetHostility { Ignore
, Attend
} |
| Defines the behavior of a Targeter component when the targeter has hostility towards other targets. Ignore causes the targeter to ignore hostility in its targeting calculation, Attend causes the targeter to use hostility in its targeting calculation. More...
enum | TargetPrioritization {
, Closest
, SmallestAngle
, HighHealth
, None
} |
| Used by Targeter component as a setting for how to prioritize a target. More...
enum | TargetSelection { Allies
, Neutral
, Enemies
, NonAllies
} |
| Filter for target selection. Neutral selects only objects on the "Neutral" team. Enemies select non-neutral objects on other teams. NonAllies includes both of those selections. More...
enum | Team {
, Team1
, Team2
, Team3
, None
, Neutral
} |
| What team is this object on? Players are always team Friendly! None means they are out for themselves, free for all, kill or be killed! Neutral means they aren't going to attack unless attacked, but have no allies either. More...
enum | TeamSense { All
, Enemy
, Friendly
} |
| Used by Sensor Component as a filter for what teams it should sense. More...
enum | WorldState {
, CanBackstep
, CanReachHealthPickup
, EngageTarget
, HasAttackPermission
, HasFollowTarget
, HasLos
, Idle
, IsAtDestination
, IsAttacker
, IsRangedAttacker
, IsFarEnoughAwayForMelee
, IsFarEnoughAwayForRanged
, IsInMeleeRange
, IsInRangedAttackRange
, IsNearFollowTarget
, IsOutsideNearRange
, RecoverHealth
, Rove
, CanFidget
, IsOnNavigableCell
, None
} |
| This enum represents world states that are used to define goals' prerequisites and target world states. More...
enum | ZeroHealthTarget { Ignore
, Attend
} |
| Defines the behavior of a targeters when a target is at zero health. Ignore causes the targeter to ignore the target. Attend causes the targeter to continue targeting the zero health target. More...