Endstar LUA API Documentation
This is the complete list of members for TextBubble, including all inherited members.
Close(Context instigator) | TextBubble | |
CloseForTarget(Context instigator, Context target) | TextBubble | |
Display(Context instigator, long index) | TextBubble | |
DisplayForTarget(Context instigator, Context displayTarget, long index) | TextBubble | |
DisplayForTargetWithDuration(Context instigator, Context displayTarget, long index, float duration) | TextBubble | |
DisplayWithDuration(Context instigator, int index, float duration) | TextBubble | |
GetTextLength() | TextBubble | |
GetTexts() | TextBubble | |
SetDisplayName(Context instigator, LocalizedString text) | TextBubble | |
SetLocalizedText(Context instigator, LocalizedString[] text) | TextBubble | |
SetLocalizedTextViaTable(Context instigator, LuaTable newText) | TextBubble |